With offices in Alaska and Texas AAA Valley Gravel can satisfy client’s needs in the federal, state and local governments as well as private business. In operation for over 30 years, we have the experience and staff to handle the most difficult demands our clients have required.
Our team has bona-fide office in San Antonio, Texas and South Carolina. Began as gravel company, now performs all general construction with over years of experience for USACE throughout Texas. Has extensive experience managing time- sensitive, complex, and multi-facted construction contracts, to include in remote and logistically challenging locations.
Our Construction Bonding Levels are: $100,000,000 per contract & $500,000,000 aggregate.
To request a PDF on any of these projects, please:
Lower Colorado River Basin Onion Creek Yarrabee Bend Recreation Construction
Client: City Of Austin
Magnitude: $9,700,000
Scope of Work: Construct new city park where hundreds of homes had been removed due to flooding.
Client Rating: Outstanding
Upper Trinity River, Riverside OXBOW, Phase 2 (Sites H & I)
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for the Trinity
River Authority
Magnitude: $5,250,000
Scope of Work: The project created a flood control storage basin by excavating 80,000 cubic yards of material.
DEMO Bldg 9410 & Construct Detention Ponds & Install communication fiber
Client: U.S. Air Force
Magnitude: $5,700,000
Scope of Work: Complete demolition of ATC barracks and utilities. Excavate basement mechanical piping and fire suppression
Client Rating: Outstanding
Ham Branch, Central City Project, Upper Trinity River
Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Magnitude: $1,200,000
Scope of Work: The project repaired approximately 1,000 linear feet of existing flood control levee and constructed
approximately 275 linear feet of new flood control levee.
Client Rating: Exceptional
Airfield Repairs, Seguin Aux & Randolph AFB
Client: US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
Magnitude: $3,500,000
Scope of Work: Repairs at Seguin Aux and Randolph AFB to include new culverts, new roads, pavement milling and asphalt repairs.
Client Rating: Outstanding
Seguin Remediation/Repair Project, Seguin Texas
Client: Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), US Army Corps of Engineers, Fort Worth District
Magnitude: $5,635,000.00
Scope of Work: Remediate and repair damage done at the Incident Support Base, during support of the 2021 Texas Winter Storms and 2018 Hurricane Harvey. Damage was done at Seguin Auxiliary Airfield (USAF), Auxiliary Airport Road (Guadalupe County) and Texas State Highway 90 (TXDOT). Required repairs to asphalt runway and taxiways of Seguin Auxiliary Airfield and concrete pavement of Auxiliary Airport Road to include intersection of HWY-90 and Auxiliary Airport Road.
Client Rating: TBD
Sag River Emergency
Repairs & Improvements
Client: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Magnitude: $5,500,000
Scope of Work: The purpose of this project is to investigate and confirm the integrity of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline in response to the recent (Spring 2019) flood events involving the Sagavanirktok River, between PLMPs 22.5 & 32.8.
Client Rating: Outstanding
Rivers & Flood Plains Repair
Client: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Magnitude: $5,500,000
Scope of Work: Rivers and floodplains work is a company-wide program that was created to efficiently and proactively address
the threat of flood damage during spring break-up and the summer rainy season.
Client Rating: Outstanding
Talkeetna Airport Improvements & Pavement Rehabilitation
Client: AK Dept. of Transportation & PF – CR
Magnitude: $6,800,000
Scope of Work: The project goal was to repair the existing airfields, runway, and taxi lanes as well as construct new parking aprons and taxi lanes to accommodate the growing town of Talkeetna.
Client Rating: Outstanding
Tanana Sill Groin
Client: US Army Corps of Engineers
Scope of Work: Repair the Tanana sill protection groin at the Chena River Lakes Flood Control Project near North Pole, Alaska. Procure, transport and place 91,400 tons of Class IV rip rap on the Tanana sill groin toe and slope.
Client Rating: Exceptional
Rivers & Flood Plains Repair
Client: Alyeska Pipeline Service Company
Magnitude: $5,500,000
Scope of Work: Rivers and floodplains work is a company-wide program that was created to efficiently and proactively address
the threat of flood damage during spring break-up and the summer rainy season.
Client Rating: Outstanding
Talkeetna Airport Improvements & Pavement Rehabilitation
Client: AK Dept. of Transportation & PF – CR
Magnitude: $6,800,000
Scope of Work: The project goal was to repair the existing airfields, runway, and taxi lanes as well as construct new parking aprons and taxi lanes to accommodate the growing town of Talkeetna.
Client Rating: Outstanding